Dark Matters: Interrogating thresholds
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
The talk presented as part of the Laboratory of Dark Matters event at Whitby Museum, organised by the Laboratory of Dark Matters. The presentation discusses the project Dark Matters: Thresholds of (Im)perceptibility, which brought together a theoretical cosmologist, artist and anthropologist around their shared research interest in the ‘imperceptible’. The project considered the provocations and challenges presented to these respective disciplinary practices, by entities, forces and dimensions that currently (or will always?) exceed human and technological modes of sensing and comprehension; the starting point was the mind-boggling proposition that 95% of our universe is invisible! The talk will introduce the methods, aims and outcomes of the project and will include a short documentary film which concisely presents the perspectives of each of the collaborators. Issues arising from the film are then used to reflect upon a number of drawings made in the course of the project, focussing on what it means to see, feel and touch experiences on the edge of our grasp, and how a practice of observational drawing might engage with that matter 13 billion light years away.
Name | Laboratory of Dark Matters at Whitby Museum |