Exploring the nature and antecedents of employee green behaviours in a supply chain context
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
In this talk, I will introduce the concept of employee green behaviours in a supply chain context. The existing theories on employees’ pro-environmental or employee green behaviours (EGBs) in workplace have predominantly considered and conceptualised these behaviours to be voluntary. In my research I developed a conceptual framework on how felt responsibility and role perceptions affect employee’s engagement in sustainability and proposed a new taxonomy of EGBs. Drawing on my PhD research on supply chain sustainability and organisation behaviour in large manufacturing companies, I will provide some unique examples of lessons learned. I will also present seven EGBs for varying levels of proactiveness towards sustainability in supply chain functions, generated from case studies and theory building in an interdisciplinary research: involving in cross functional liaisons, following the criteria for sustainability integration in supply chain processes, conforming to EMS/ sustainability policy, assuming additional roles, taking charge, influencing and educating others, knowledge acquisition.
Title | Sustainable Transformation seminar series |
Date | 12/03/21 → 4/06/21 |
Location | online |
City | |