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Letting Assessment Breathe: creating space and movement for learning

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


The link between assessment and student learning is well established in the literature. However, realising the rich learning potential of assessment experiences can be challenging to do in practice. Barriers come in many forms including the multiple purposes assessment serves, crowded curricula and other demands on academics' and students' time. Indeed, while assessment can nurture learning, poor experiences can actually inhibit or distort the learning processes, doing more harm than good. In this talk I consider both the barriers to learning through assessment and ways in which we can organise and implement assessment that genuinely works with students to enhance their learning experiences. I will further link these to the concept of assessment for social justice and consider both the individual and broader social benefits of enhancing learning through assessment.

Event (Conference)

TitleAssessment and Feedback: Students, strategies and feedback
Date9/03/18 → …
LocationLancaster University
Degree of recognitionInternational event