Public Talk 'Perception of the Sea in Morecambe and Beyond' (ESRC Festival of Social Science)
Activity: Other activity types › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition
How do you relate to the sea? Is there a maritime dimension to your identity? How does the sea matter for you, and why? These are some of the questions we would like to explore together during this public talk.
The sea has traditionally been represented as beautiful, powerful and inspiring but also dangerous and empty; a space we transit through (or we look at in awe) but not a place where we live. Some people relate to the sea while it is almost inexistent for others. You might consider that the sea forms part of your identity or you may feel disconnected from it.
This online workshop will provide you with an opportunity to engage with questions related to people’s awareness of the marine environment and their perception of the sea. You will also have the opportunity to self-reflect on your relationship to the sea. The workshop will include expert talks and interactive activities.
The talk will be informed by a photo exhibition on the topic of the sea and its perception that will run for six weeks at Morecambe Heritage Centre, and during which visitors will be invited to reflect on the photographs displayed and write a few words / feelings about them. However, the public talk/workshop event is not just relevant to people living in Morecambe. Having visited the exhibition is not a prerequisite, and the photographs are also available to view online.