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Welfare Workshop: Welfare Imaginaries Seminar

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


Images and Representations of Welfare over time: Seminar 1

Tuesday 12th June, 2018, 10.00-17.00
The Storey Institute in Lancaster

A Sociological Review Seminar Series Event
In the seventy years following the birth of the welfare state, and through the current moment of welfare state retrenchment and contraction, we have seen welfare, post-welfare and anti-welfare imaginaries be constructed and circulated across multiple media, including film, television, newspaper and magazine publication, animation and across digital and social media. While future seminars will look to the present day (seminar 2) and the future (seminar 3) this first seminar will look back to the past to consider images and representations over time. As well as contributions from a fantastic range of speakers (see below), the seminar will include a zine-making session led by Jean McEwan from Wur Bradford and an optional lunchtime 'welfare walkshop' around the city - a guided walk that maps the welfare architecture of Lancaster.


Date1/01/40 → …
LocationLancaster University
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom