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Dr Amanda Bingley

Formerly at Lancaster University

Research overview

Amanda Bingley is a Lecturer in Health Research in the Division of Health Research, Faculty of Health & Medicine. She joined the Division in September 2001.

Following a BSc (Hons) in Geography at Lancaster University (1996), her ESRC funded PhD in Cultural Geography at the University of Edinburgh (2002) explored the influence of gender identity and very early infant and childhood sensory experience on subsequent adult sensory perception of landscape.

Amanda has developed research projects with a focus on the narrative experience of health, place and well being in a range of different contexts and populations.

PhD supervision

Qualitative methods including ethnography, narrative analysis; psychoanalytic geographies, sensory methods; mental health and place, health and well being in older people; socio-cultural research in Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Current Research

CUIDAR: Cultures of disaster resilience amongst children and young people
Mort, M., Bingley A., Walker, M. with CUIDAR EU partners in Spain, Portugal, Greece and Save the Children UK & Italy
SO7, SOA7777, European Commission 1/04/1531/03/18
Children, young people and disasters, recovery and resilience
Mort, M., Bingley A., Walker, M., Lloyd Williams, A., with Howells, V. & Smith, S., SO7, SOA7770, ESRC 1/09/14 - 28/02/16
Woodland working: Intergenerational skills gained and shared in the volunteer workforce Bingley, A. & Collins, A., Varey,S., with Oaks, R., HR7, HRA7862, The British Academy 1/05/1431/10/14
The prevalence of dementia in ethnically diverse communities, and the extent of inequalities in the access to care services:  a study in Blackburn with Darwen, North West England, ESRC CASE studentship (2013) (currently funding DHR PGR student Maaria Atcha)

Maun Homeopathy Project: An evaluation of a community health intervention
Bingley,A. & Holland, P.HR7, HRA7822, The Maun Homeopathy Project 1/06/13 - 31/12/2013

Tender for Age UK - Men in Sheds Milligan, C., Bingley, A. & Payne, S.HR7, HRA7800, AgeUK 1/08/1130/03/12

Ethnic and socioeconomic inequalities in the prevalence of dementia and access to quality care in Blackburn with Darwen; Fanshawe, T., Keegan, T., Bingley, A.F. with Barnsley, K., Barr, B., Higginbotham, C., Knowledge Exchange Strategic Development Award. 1/03/2012-31/07/2012

Research Interests

As a cultural and health geographer I have an ongoing interest in psychoanalytic geographies, innovative methodologies in creative arts, narrative research, sensory and ethnographic research. My research is informed by both psychotherapeutic theory and methods (in particular Object Relations Theory), and more recently in health and place work by Therapeutic Landscapes and  Attention Restoration Theory. I have a background of many years experience in healthcare working in humanistic psychotherapy and homeopathic medicine. My research has covered areas of mental health and place including natural landscapes as working space, mental health and well-being in older people, effects of play space on mental health in young people, therapeutic landscapes, and in end of life care.

My research interests have led to a number of research grants that broaden my methodological approach to working with people and their experience and perception of health and place across the lifecourse. This includes research with children on disaster, risk and resilience in a UK and EU wide context; young people, their mental health and use of woodland as greenspace; with older people in various contexts including the benefits of gardening, conservation volunteering, older men on the Men in Sheds Age UK programme and research with people with dementia. Other research interests as part of the International Observatory on End of Life Care include narrative and end of life experience in various UK and global settings.

Current Teaching

Convenor for the PhD Blended Learning Taught Doctorate and Masters in Health and Wellbeing Research modules (currently only available for audit by PGRs): DHR 527 Ethnography and observational methods; DHR 528 Narrative methods in health research; DHR 525 Practical Research Ethics; I co-convene the key training module on the BL PhD DHR 403 Research Design and Practical Research Ethics.

Co-ordinator for modules BIOL134 and BIOL333 taught by DHR for the Division of Biological and Life Sciences undergraduate Part 1programme.

Co-convene BIOL333 Ethics in Biomedicine taught by DHR for the Division of Biological and Life Sciences undergraduate Part 2 programme.

Tutor in Division of Medicine for Special Study Modules

Tutor on the DHR PhD Taught Doctorate Autumn and Induction Academy

Co ordinate and co convene the FHM RTP PGR training seminar in Practical Research Ethics

Supervision of PhD Taught Doctorate, Masters and PGR students

Additional Information

NIHR Research Design Service North West (RDS NW): Frontline Advisor in Qualitative Methods (2009-2014)

External Examiner UCLan (MSc Integrative Healthcare) (2012-2015)

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