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Claire Leitch supervises 2 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Professor Claire Leitch

Professor of Entrepreneurial Leadership, Executive Dean

Claire Leitch

The Management School



Tel: +44 1524 510933

Research overview

My research interests concentrate on the development, enhacement and growth of individuals and organizations in an entrepreneurial context with a particular focus on leadership, leadership development and learning.  Accordingly, my work straddles the interface between entrepreneurship and leadership and has significant theoretical, industrial and policy impact.  Current work explores the underpinning reasons for practice-policy gaps which exist.  I have a particular interest in gender and take a critical feminist perspective to explore macro, meso and micro level influences on inequality among entrepreneurial leaders.  Projects include examining the role gender plays in business owners' networking behaviours, how women entrepreneurs understand and enact power, exploring next generation engagement in family businesses and gender inequality in academia.  In addition, I am Editor of International Small Business Journal, a leading entrepreneurship journal.

PhD supervision

I am willing to supervise students in leadership in entrepreneurial contexts. I also am interested in gender, identity and learning.

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