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Derly Sánchez Vargas

Research output

Organising sustainability by global standard: certifications and the production of nature-cultures for sustainable coffee in Colombia

Sánchez Vargas, D., 2016, (Unpublished) p. T092.

Sociomaterial orderings of the ‘social’: the production of work and social conditions in sustainability standards in the coffee sector

Sánchez Vargas, D., 2016, (Unpublished).

Certification Schemes, Biodiversity and markets: Protecting and Organizing Nature in Coffee production in Colombia

Sánchez Vargas, D., 2014, (Unpublished).

Coffee, certification schemes and standards in the reshaping of sustainability markets: tracing global-local tensions

Sánchez Vargas, D., 2014.

Making a better coffee or tasting sustainability? mattering of certification initiatives in the production of “Colombian sustainable coffees”

Sánchez Vargas, D., 2013, (Unpublished).

Making a “better coffee”: the sustainability through the co-production between traditional and scientific knowledge

Sanchez Vargas, D., 2012.
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Derly Sánchez Vargas