My research interests include entrepreneurship education and the ways in which enterprise can be integrated successfully into the mainstream curriculum.. I am alsointerested in how we can develop knowledge exchange activities between LICA and small businesses in the cultural and creative industries.
Selected Publications
Clark, G., Dawes, F., Heywood, A. & McLaughlin, T. (2008) "Students as Transferors of Knowledge; the problem of measuring success" International Small Business Journal, Vol. 26, Issue 6
Dawes, F & Haydock, W (1995) "Management Development; a personal competency approach", Training and Development Methods Journal, Vol. 9 Issue 4
Dawes, F & Hopfl, H (1995) "A Whole Can of Worms!" the contested frontiers of management development and learning, Personnel Review, Vol. 24, Issue 6, pp 19-28
Books & Book Chapters
Dawes, F (1999) Small Business Management: an overview, Blackhall Publishing, Dublin, ISBN 1 901657 59 0
Moran, P. Whitehead, K. & Dawes, F. (1999) CPD in the Fire Service; the case of Greater Manchester, in Human Resource Management in the Public Sector, Sheffield Hallam University Press pp42-53, ISBN 0 86339 870 7
Dawes, F (1997) Management and Business Growth in the Small business, in Enterprise and Growth in the Small Business Sector, Bolton Business School Press pp1-10, ISBN 2 906143 00 X
Dawes, F & Connor J (1996) "Executive Development and Organisational Development: Providing a Contextual Dimension to Senior Management Development" in Contemporary Developments in Human Resource Management, Beardwell, I (ed.), Editions ESKA, Montpellier pp 291 -30, ISBN 2 86911 4273
Conference papers
Dawes, F (2009) " Developing the reflective learner: experiences from Lancaster" paper presented to the ASET Conference, Lancaster University
Dawes, F (2009) "Promoting regional initiatives" paper presented to Creating a Higher Vision: the HE contribution to the Creative Economy, Universities UK, Woburn House, London
Clark, G., Dawes, F., Heywood, A. & McLaughlin, T (2007) "Students as Transferors of Knowledge: predicting success and enhancing employability" paper presented to the 'Engaging HEIs in Business and the Community; a learning perspective' Institute for Advanced Studies Symposium, Lancaster University
Dawes, F & Jewell, M (2005) "Creating Enterprise: Developing partnerships between Universities and Creative Industries" paper presented to the Creative Enterprise in Higher Education Conference, PALATINE, Lancaster University
Dawes, F & Smith, R (2003) "Independent learning at Lancaster: reflecting on 30 years practice", Learning Based on the Process of Enquiry Conference, Manchester University
Wyer, P and Dawes, F (2002) "Examining 'strategic management' theory and concepts within a context of small family business management practice", Competing Perspectives of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, ISBA National Small Firms Policy and Research Conference
Macgregor, D & Dawes F (2000) "The postgraduate Entrepreneur; frameworks for conceptualising strategic management development", paper presented to Small Business and Enterprise Development Conference, Manchester University
Dawes, F & Haydock, W (1999) "Leadership, personality and managerial style of small business managers" proceedings of the Small Business and Enterprise Development Conference, European Research Press
Dawes, F & Haydock, W (1998) "Restricting growth; the influences of personality and managerial style", proceedings of the Small Business and Enterprise Development Conference, European Research Press
Dawes, F & Connor, J (1996) "Developing an MBA for the SME sector: the challenge for Business Schools", proceedings of the Small Business and Enterprise Development Conference, European Research Press, pp 51-58
Dawes, F & Connor J (1996) "Management Learning Frameworks and Small Business Growth, paper presented to 19th ISBA National Small firms Policy and Research Conference, November 1996
External Funded Projects
2000/2001 Developing Entrepreneurship and Leadership (joint with Manchester Metropolitan University) - Department for Education and Employment funded project. (total funding £60,000)
2001-2003 Project Manager: Mastering Enterprise in SMEs - North West Development Agency funded project (£50,000 allocated from a total project funding £300,000). Working with four other Universities in the North-West to establish a regional learning network of Business Executives from small businesses
2004 - 2006 Networking NorthWest - North West Development Agency funded project (£45,000 to Lancaster out of total project funding £1m). Developing Peer Learning networks for innovation and learning with SMEs
2005-2007 Lancashire and Cumbria Creative Industries Project - North West Development Agency funded project (£50,000). Supporting creative industries through graduate consultancies and peer learning networks
2006-2008 Creative Enterprise Action and Development - Higher Education Innovation Fund (£105,000). The project provided support to young creative individuals and enterprises. Developing enterprise skills in undergraduate programmes and provided placement opportunities for undergraduates with creative enterprises .
2006-08 Creative Awareness Networks - ERDF Funded project (£170,000) Supporting Creative Industries in Lancashire, through a range of knowledge transfer activities.
2008-09 Grow Creative - Higher Education Innovation Fund (£84,000) Delivering leadership development to small businesses in the creative industries through peer learning networks.
2009-2011 Enhancing knowledge exchange in Creative Enterprises through Innovation and Learning - Higher Education Innovation Fund (£324,500).
2010 LEAD (Leading Enterprise and Development) for the Creative Industries -NWDA (£80,000) delivering an integrated leadership programme for the Creative Industries, this programme was delivered jointly with Lancaster University Management School.
2011-2015 Higher Education Innovation Fund: Development of Knowledge Exchange Fellowship scheme in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (£125,000) -enhancing knowledge exchange between academic staff and external organisations and agencies.