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Professor Jasmine Fledderjohann

Professor in Sociology and Social Work

  1. 8 billion people: why trying to control the population is often futile – and harmful

    Fledderjohann, J. & Channon, M.


    1 Media production

    Press/Media: Newspaper Article

  2. Why Don’t We Just… make policy that fulfils human rights?

    Fledderjohann, J., Clair, A. & Knowles, B.


    1 Media production

    Press/Media: Research

  3. Food Bank Users in Britain are Dealing with Significant Housing Problems

    Clair, A., Fledderjohann, J. & Loopstra, R.


    1 Media production

    Press/Media: Research

  4. Food insecurity affects children’s learning

    Fledderjohann, J.


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Newspaper Article

  5. The Case for Redefining Infertility

    Fledderjohann, J.


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Newspaper Article

  6. Lack of nutritious food hampers learning in Indian teens: Study

    Fledderjohann, J.


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Newspaper Article

  7. Why men are missing from the fertility debate

    Fledderjohann, J.


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Newspaper Article

  8. Benefit sanctions may do more harm than good

    Fledderjohann, J.


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Newspaper Article

  9. Is this truly Britain – a land that spies on sick and poor people?

    Fledderjohann, J.


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Newspaper Article

  10. The Invisible Infertile: How Cultural Beliefs Can Shape Statistics

    Fledderjohann, J.


    1 Media production

    Press/Media: Newspaper Article

  11. Can an advert for tea really change India's sexist attitudes?

    Fledderjohann, J.


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Newspaper Article

  12. Why Don’t Pregnant Women Trust The Govt’s Birth Services Scheme?

    Fledderjohann, J.


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Newspaper Article

  13. Baby burden troubles women

    Fledderjohann, J.


    1 Media production

    Press/Media: Newspaper Article

  14. Sugar mama

    Fledderjohann, J.


    1 item of Media coverage

    Press/Media: Newspaper Article

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