With deep regret we announce the sudden death of Professor John Urry.
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John URRY worked at Lancaster after completing degrees in Cambridge. He was a former Head of the Sociology Department, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, and University Dean of Research. From 2003 to 2015 he was Director of the Centre for Mobilities Research and helped to develop the ‘new mobilities paradigm' in social science research. From 2015-16 he was Co-Director of the Institute for Social Futures.
Selected Major Achievements
- Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Lancaster University, 2007-2016
- Published c40 books/journal special issues, c80 peer refereed articles and c110 book chapters; work translated into over 20 languages
- Total Publish or Perish/Google Scholar H score of 79
- See personal profile for all publications: http://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?hl=en&user=0cUV4OEAAAAJ’
- RAE Panel Chair 1996, 2001
- Former editor, International Library of Sociology; founding Co-Editor Mobilities (2006-2016)
- Founding Academician/Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences; Fellow, Royal Society of Arts
Books/Special Issues Published since 2000:
- Sociology for the New Millennium (British Jnl of Sociology Special Issue, 2000)
- Sociology Beyond Societies (Routledge 2000)
- Bodies of Nature (Sage 2001; co-edited with Phil Macnaghten)
- Global Complexity (Polity 2003)
- Complexity (Theory, Culture & Society Special Issue, 2005)
- Automobilities (Theory, Culture and Society/Sage 2004/5; co-edited with Mike Featherstone, Nigel Thrift)
- Mobile Technologies of the City (Routledge 2006; co-edited with Mimi Sheller)
- Mobilities and Materialities (Environment and Planning A Special Issue, 2006; co-edited with Mimi Sheller)
- Mobilities, Networks, Geographies (Ashgate 2006; with Jonas Larsen, Kay Axhausen)
- Mobilities (Polity 2007)
- Aeromobilities (Routledge 2009; co-edited with Saulo Cwerner and Sven Kesselring)
- After the Car (Polity 2009; with Kingsley Dennis)
- Mobile Lives (Routledge 2010; with Anthony Elliott)
- Changing Climates (Theory Culture and Society Special Issue, 2010; co-edited with Bron Szerszynski)
- Mobile Methods (Routledge 2011; co-edited with Monika Buscher and Katian Witchger)
- Climate Change and Society (Polity 2011)
- Cities and Fascination (Ashgate 2011; co-edited with Heiko Schmid, Wolf-Dietrich Sahr)
- The Tourist Gaze 3.0 (Sage 2011; with Jonas Larsen)
- Societies Beyond Oil (Zed 2013)
- Offshoring (Polity 2014)
- Energy and Society (Theory, Culture and Society Special Issue; co-edited with David Tyfield)
Recent Articles in ISI Journals:
Annals of Tourism Research (2007), Mobilities (2007, 2013), Global Environmental Change (2008), Environment and Planning. Society and Space (2008), British Journal of Sociology (2008, 2009), Journal of Transport Geography (2011, 2012), European Journal of Social Theory (2009, 2015), Theory, Culture and Society (2010, 2014), Sociological Review (2010), Soziale Welt (2010), Futures (2013), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (2013).
Recent Major Research Grants
- Future of Cities (BIS Foresight, Author of Living in the City, 2014)
- Low Carbon Innovation in China - Prospects, Politics and Practice (ESRC: Principal Investigator 2013-5)
- Corpus Approaches to Social Science ESRC Research Centre (ESRC: Co-Investigator, 2013-8)
- Liveable Cities Research Programme (EPSRC: Co-Investigator 2012-7)
- Emerging middle classes and low carbon mobilities in Brazil and UK (British Academy: Principal Investigator 2011-2)
- Global Welcome? Migrant workers, service cultures, tourist places (ESRC: Mentor 2009-2010)
- Music and Automobility (ESRC: Mentor 2010)
- UK-China Networks of Low Carbon Innovation(ESRC: Principal Investigator 2007-10)
- Transport and Technology (ESRC: Principal Investigator 2010-2013)
- Travel Time Use in the Information Age (EPSRC: Principal Investigator 2004-7)
2004 Honorary Doctorate, Roskilde University, Denmark
1972 PhD Sociology, Cambridge
1967 BA, MA Economics, Cambridge ('double first')