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Followership: Trust and Surveillance in Hybrid Contexts

Research output: Contribution to conference - Without ISBN/ISSN Conference paperpeer-review

Publication date17/12/2018
<mark>Original language</mark>English
Event17th International Studying Leadership Conference -
Duration: 17/12/201818/12/2018


Conference17th International Studying Leadership Conference


Challenging a leader-centric assumption, followership research appears to complement the missing half of mainstream leadership research by exploring the role of followers. The research now has examined the concept of trust, understanding how followers constitute new trusting relationships with leaders. However, such a contribution lacks a critical analysis,that is, how trust is actively constructed in their interactions with others. This study extends to consider power dynamics embedded within the trust relationships. By conducting an interpretive study, it suggests that trust is deeply intertwined with surveillance, both of which reproduce dynamic interactions between followers and leaders.