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Intensified religious pluralism and de-differentiation: the British example

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

<mark>Journal publication date</mark>02/2016
Issue number1
Number of pages6
Pages (from-to)41-46
Publication StatusPublished
Early online date15/01/16
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Drawing on surveys of religion and values in Great Britain, this paper suggests that Peter Berger’s paradigm of two pluralisms can be usefully supplemented by taking account of a third kind of intensified pluralism. This involves the breakdown of the boundaries between religions, and between the religious and the secular, and is therefore a pluralism of de-differentiation. It helps explain many features of contemporary religion and identity, including the rise of the “nones” and the increasing reluctance of each new generation to identify with religious (and secular) labels and packages.