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Media interventions and new social imaginaries

Research output: Contribution to conference - Without ISBN/ISSN Conference paperpeer-review

  • Emile Devereaux
Publication date26/09/2013
Number of pages6
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Recent re-articulations and renewed discussions of the “social imaginary” (Castoriadis 1987) have emerged due to the proliferation and dispersion of new technologies in everyday life. This paper interrogates the process of creating visual and media spectacles as a response to a set of on-site situations. What effect can enacting imaginative narratives for the near future have on present conditions? Through close reflection of two case studies in Serbia (2006) and Montenegro (2009), this paper considers the construction of narrative and spectacle as crafting of social imaginaries. Drawing on participatory, ethnographic and practice-based research methods, these interventions navigate economic and social change by connecting location-based situations with global media networks.