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On the impact of delay constraint on the multicast outage in wireless fading environment

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

Publication date06/2015
Host publicationIEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2015
Number of pages6
ISBN (print)9781467364324
<mark>Original language</mark>English


In this paper we investigate single-hop multicast transmission in which randomly located multiple transmitters multicast packets to a cluster of receivers. Packet retransmission is known as a promising mechanism for improving the transmission reliability. Our focus is on evaluating (i) the minimum required delay (retransmission attempts), τ*, for establishing an outage-free multicast, where a transmitted packet is successfully decoded by entire nodes in the cluster, and (ii) Multicast Progress Radius (MPR) for a given delay constraint. MPR indicates how far, on average, a packet can successfully progress in a cluster without outage while the retransmission delay is restricted. Assuming general fading distribution, we derive closed-form expressions for the cumulative distribution function of τ*, and MPR. By simulations we confirmed our analysis and studied the impact of several system parameters on the MPR. Based on results of this paper we conclude that outage-free multicast requires a very large number of retransmission attempts, thus not practically achievable only based on retransmission.