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Separating Interaction Concerns from Distributed Feature Components

Research output: Contribution to conference - Without ISBN/ISSN Conference paper

Publication date01/2003
Number of pages8
<mark>Original language</mark>English
EventWorkshop on Software Composition affiliated with ETAPS 2003 -
Duration: 1/01/1900 → …


ConferenceWorkshop on Software Composition affiliated with ETAPS 2003
Period1/01/00 → …


Interaction problems between heterogeneous appli- cations require consideration of the semantic issue of reliable composition. This problem has become significant and ubiquitous in distributed systems as the Internet rapidly grows as a mainstream service platform and requires increasing automatic coordination and cooperation between services at two ends. A feature must be able to adjust itself to work with other features or services - a highly relevant problem called feature interaction. In line with this, in this paper we propose a complexity controlling method that is suitable for distributed systems in which each feature has two concerns, namely a hard logic and a soft logic. The hard logic implements exactly the specification of a feature, while the soft logic deals with the adaptation aspects of a feature, i.e. resolving interaction problems and making features work together. A two level architecture, particularly designed for aspect oriented programming, is described with a meta level being used to describe interaction resolution, with features being at the base level. Through a case study of email systems, we explain the architecture and highlight the cause of resolution interaction problems and how this particular problem is solved.