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Collaborative Housing and Innovation in Care

Project: Research


The Collaborative Housing and Innovation in Care (CHIC) project is a two-and-a-half-year study funded by the National Institute of Health Research School for Social Care Research. The project began in March 2021, and its broad aim is to explore the ways in which collaborative housing might help meet the changing care needs of older people.

Layperson's description

some of the more specific questions we aim to address are:

What role do the daily practices of sharing and mutual support play in the care of older residents?
How does mutual aid and support within groups work alongside formal and informal social care?
How does the arrangement of the housing itself relate to the development of mutual support among residents? (including the physical design, living arrangements, spaces for social interaction and community policies)
What is the potential for translating these practices of and approaches to collaboration and mutual aid into other accommodation settings such as extra care and supported housing, and even more widely in general needs housing?
Effective start/end date1/01/2130/06/23

Research outputs