'Contemporary Poetry in Public Spaces' is a follow-up project of 'Non-Lyric Discourse in Contemporary Poetry: Spaces, Subjects, Enunciative Hybridization, Mediality [FFI2009-12746]', based at Santiago de Compostela and funded by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation.
Contemporary poetry in public spaces tends to mobilize interdiscursivity, enunciative hybridization, heteroglossia, and intermediality; it often converges with the visual or plastic arts, with music or theatre. Oral features are frequent, as is an affinity with the oratorial. Overall, these poetries tend to highlight alterity over identity, and plurality and difference over the “old” singularity.
The established international team of project participants investigate interventions and manifestations of non-lyric poetry in public spaces and seeks to develop an innovative, interdisciplinary theoretical and epistemological framework for such public manifestations of poetry.
A symposium on the subject was organized in May 2012 at Lancaster University by Cornelia Gräbner in collaboration with the Centre for Transcultural Writing and Research. A panel at the Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association on 'Poetry and the Poetic Word: Urban Resistances to Neoliberalism from 1970 to the Present' is open to receive proposals until 1st November 2013.