The aims of the ETOILE project were to increase the effectiveness and reduce the cost of training systems that promote learning by individuals, teams and organisations involved in the handling of emergencies. The first aim was addressed through the development of an interactive learning environment that increases the frequency and quality of learning opportunities. The second aim is addressed through the development of tools for constructing the learning environment. A number of technologies were integrated in the development of the ETOILE learning environment: intelligent agents, distributed simulation and virtual reality. Finally, support for learning was provided through 2 key pedagogical innovations: a pedagogical strategy that supports the development of team competencies, and tools that create visual representations of team performance that are used to support reflective learning by the team. Support for reflective learning during the after action review of training is provided via an analysis of the training log and the presentation of this information in multiple graphical representation so that the errors in team performace can be analysed by the group. Variable competence synthetic agents are used to substitute for team members, hence (a) the trainer can manipulate the other team members in the same way they might the rest of the environment, and (b) the team can train even when a team member is not available. As the teams are high level managers, this was an important feature.
Both of these innovations support the development of team competencies in individual team members, teams and in the organisation.
Two demonstration training systems were developed for an Emergency Response Team in the Bilbao Metro, and a Nuclear Power station in Spain. Both scenarios involved multi-agency collaboration.
The ETOILE project was funded by the European Union under Framework 4, ESPRIT programme (p29086) - € 2,935,550.
Research into the design, development and evaluation of a 3D virtual world for team training of emergency response teams in the power generation and transport industries, including design of cognitive tools to support team review and reflection.