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‘Female Authors/Female Labours: Writing, Dramaturgy and Translation’

Project: Research


The project aimed to contextualise and provide academic and public engagement for an English-language première of an intertextual monologue, 'I Exist Only as a Reflection' (based on Elfriede Jelinek’s work and others), performed by Maxi Blaha of Vienna’s Burgtheater.
The project supported the applicants in their work with the private and public arts sectors and with the wider community (professional – dramaturgs and translators; and academic – students and colleagues at the university and beyond).
The project continued the ongoing impact work of both investigators, especially following their publication Jelinek in the Arena: Sport, Cultural Understanding and Translation to Page and Stage, eds Allyson Fiddler and Karen Juers-Munby, Austrian Studies, vol. 22 (2014) and the 2012 première of A Sports Play (see Pure for related activities)
Short title'Female Authors/Female Labours'
Effective start/end date1/12/1631/07/17



  • Elfriede Jelinek - reception and public engagement

    Impact: Cultural Impacts, Other Impacts