Gambling is classified as gaming, betting and participating in lottery, according to the definition provided by the Gambling Act (2015). This behaviour is considered problematic when it becomes repetitive and disruptive, causing harm to the individual, their family, and several aspects of their daily lives (e.g., social life, finances, wellbeing etc). It is estimated that in the United Kingdom, up to 460,000 individuals are likely to be problem gamblers, with the north part of England reporting the highest rate of at-risk gamblers. Since there are no directly obvious physical signs, gambling addiction is hidden, and therefore, most of the times remains undetected and untreated. Nonetheless, much research has focused on the negative effects of problem gambling, which can result in debt and homelessness, intimate violence and domestic abuse, mental and physical health problems, job loss, and imprisonment. According to the NHS's economic analysis (2019-20), an excess cost of approximately £1,27 billion was spent on dealing with the aforementioned harms of problem gambling. The scope and gravity of this public health issue are obvious. However, problem gamblers are more likely to seek medical help for comorbidities, particularly mental health issues, with gambling addiction remaining unrecorded. At the same time, NHS services lack a nationally recognised approach for assessing, identifying, referring, recording, and sharing information about problem gambling. This project will be run in collaboration between Lancaster University and LSCFT with the goal of developing and evaluating a screening tool (modified Lie/Bet questionnaire) for problematic gambling in mental health referral settings in the Blackpool and East Lancashire areas. Participants in this study will include members of LSCFT's mental health teams as well as patients who have been referred to these services, are adults and can consent for themselves. The project will run from the first week of January to the 31st of March, and it is funded by the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account.