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Project: Research


The project is an interdisciplinary co-designed research to deliver innovative solutions to pressing problems with water use and safety. Recirculate will “join up” the different ways in which water sustains communities, from sewage disposal to energy generation and water used in food production. Solving these problems demands new approaches to research, and how research is translated to meet the needs of communities across Africa. Recirculate combines excellence in scientific research (environmental science, crop science, engineering, microbiology), social science and management research (entrepreneurial learning and knowledge exchange).

Across partners and across disciplines, and working with business and other research users, we will co-design research to deliver appropriate solutions for Africa, building on cutting-edge solutions to addressing the global challenges around safe and sustainable water use.

Recirculate includes a very substantial training element, including focused training events at LU Ghana (Accra) and 6-8 week “residences” at Lancaster University.
Short titleDriving Eco-Innovation in Africa: Capacity building for a safe circular water economy
Effective start/end date1/12/171/12/21

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