The European Union has a Strategy to eradicate trafficking in human beings to support the implementation of the 2011 Anti-Trafficking Directive. This project is intended to contribute to the development of the post-2016 Strategy by comprehensively reviewing all the projects funded by the European Commission since 2004 that concern anti-trafficking for the office of the Anti-Trafficking Coordinator. The study is analysing around 300 projects in the context of relevant EU Actions and wider bodies of knowledge.
Principal Investigator: Sylvia Walby. Colleagues: Jude Towers (Lancaster, Sociology), Brian Francis (Lancaster, Maths/Stats), Birgit Apitzsch (Duisberg-Essen, Sociology), Jo Armstrong (Lancaster, Sociology), Susie Balderston (Lancaster, Sociology), Adam Fish (Lancaster, Sociology), Claire Hardaker (Lancaster, Linguistics), Liz Kelly (London Met, CWASU), Stuart Kirby (UCLAN), Corinne May-Chahal (Lancaster, Sociology), Emma Palmer (Lancaster, Sociology), Awais Rashid (Lancaster, Computing), Karen Shire (Duisberg-Essen, Sociology), Jackie Taylor (London Met, CWASU).
European Commission. Start: 2015.