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TERALINKS: TERAhertz high power LINKS using photonic devices, tube aplifiers and smart antennas

Project: Research


The TERALINKS project is dedicated to the demonstration of a real-time THz communication system, with the 200-300 GHz bandwidth, in an operational environment. The TERALINKS consortium aims to integrate three key enabling technologies and demonstrate the state of the art system with industrial relevance: THz sources (photonics-based for bandwidth and core network compatibility), THz power generation using travelling wave tubes as one of the most promising high power sources at frequencies of interest, and advanced THz antennas.

The TERALINKS consortium consists of key European institutes with notable but complementary expertise in every key building block of novel THz communication systems, and all consortium members have established considerable experiences in developing THz communication components and the system using technologies than span from photonics, to high frequency electronics.

Our vision is to take fundamental research from individual university labs to a point where it is can revolutionise future mobile communications, with a manifold return for Europe, in innovation and exploitation. The project duration is proposed for 24 months.
Effective start/end date1/04/1731/12/19


  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council: £208,937.97

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  • Vector network analyser

    Facility/Equipment: Equipment

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