Foregrounding the finite character of the managerial profession means returning to a basic premise of our analysis of business and management as human modes of engagement with existence and the world: human beings are themselves finite; for us, the world itself is finite. We seek to show that finitude, understood in this manner, engenders a productive engagement with the nature of management as a profession for which finitude is always the basis, the logic, of its existence and direction. Managing is always directed and oriented by limits because it is always acting by reference to finite, not infinite, possibilities. Finitude – as a premise of managerial action – allows students to engage with the idea that decisions presuppose choosing some directions and thus closing off others. In this sense, foregrounding finitude and limits is both an obligatory recognition of the nature of the profession, and an enabling process for serious critical thinking and reflection. Responding to limits is what management always has to do.