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Activity: Business or School/HEI EngagementSocial/Cultural Organisation


Discover your AI potential: Explore how AI can be applied to solve specific problems or improve processes in your business.

- Discover your AI potential: Discover where AI fits within your organisation and gain an understanding of its potential impact.
- Target specific challenges: Explore how implementing AI can address problems or create opportunities and allow you to focus on key areas of improvement.
- Engage key stakeholders: Identify and involve essential stakeholders in the application of AI, enabling you to consider a range of needs and perspectives.
- Assess AI readiness: Rate the level of AI adoption and potential impact on your organisation and explore a sense of the scope for integrating AI initiatives.

Event (Workshop)

TitleAI Applications in your Business
Date23/09/24 → …
LocationDiSH, Lloyd Street
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Degree of recognitionLocal event