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Rethinking Symposia

Activity: Expert Knowledge and Consultancy typesConsultancy


Consultancy commissioned by North East of North (NEoN) arts festival in Dundee.

Using my "Distributed Critique" model as a basis.

"Explore how symposia around digital technology-driven art can be more accessible and animated, create more value for a broader range of participants, and play a better role in how we think about, publish and programme arts. We are particularly interested in ways of centring symposia on art works and art forms, the knowledge they produce and kinds of experience they represent, and increasing how different people/communities can have something ‘at stake’ in the symposium context."

Working with independent curator, Daphne Dragona. Involved consulting with participants from Science Gallery, London; The Influencers, Barcelona; The White Pube, Liverpool; Onassis Centre, Athens; and regional and national stakeholders in the festival.

External organisation (Commissioned by)

NameNEoN Digital Art, Dundee
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom