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  1. 2021
  2. Justyna Kozlowska

    Douglas, T. (Host)


    Activity: Hosting a visitor typesHosting an academic visitor

  3. Leadership (Journal)

    O'Reilly, D. (Peer reviewer)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work typesPublication peer-review

  4. Social Processes (Organisational unit)

    Raducu, A. (Member)

    10/2021 → …

    Activity: Membership typesOther Membership

  5. Social Processes (Organisational unit)

    Raducu, A. (Chair)

    10/2021 → …

    Activity: Membership typesMember of an organisation

  6. Using ethnography in business

    Zhu, Z. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk

  7. Weronika Prus-Walendziak

    Douglas, T. (Host)


    Activity: Hosting a visitor typesHosting a Student (PhD)

  8. Academic Libraries North Mental Health and Well-being Advocacy resource

    Brewster, L. (Speaker)


    Activity: Other activity typesTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition

  9. An introduction to Sylvia Wynter’s work

    Fonseca Braga, M. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk

  10. Associate Teacher Programme

    Altmann, E. (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in workshop, seminar, course

  11. British Society of Audiology (External organisation)

    Stewart, H. (Member)

    1/10/2021 → …

    Activity: Membership typesMember of an organisation

  12. British Textile Biennial 2021

    Bennett, B. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesFestival/Exhibition/Concert

  13. Centre for Crime, Law and Justice (Organisational unit)

    Price, J. (Member)


    Activity: Membership typesMember of an organisation

  14. Effects of Fused Filament Fabrication Process Variables on Microstructural Alignment and Intra-layer Properties in PLLA

    Hardy, J. (Examiner) & Huang, S. (Examiner)


    Activity: Examination typesExamination

  15. HIPSTER Blog: Research as It Happens

    Weir, C. (Curator), Prince, D. (Contributor) & Dyson, A. (Contributor)


    Activity: Other activity typesOther

  16. International Federation for Theatre Research (External organisation)

    Juraic, B. (Chair)

    1/10/2021 → …

    Activity: Membership typesMember of an organisation

  17. NIHR (External organisation)

    Panagaki, A. (Chair)

    1/10/2021 → …

    Activity: Membership typesOther Membership

  18. PhD external examiner

    Hou, X. (Examiner)


    Activity: Examination typesExamination

  19. Reviewing of ATLAS submissions for Senior Fellowship of Higher Education Academy (Lead Reviewer)

    Beekes, W. (Examiner)


    Activity: Other activity typesOther

  20. University of Aberdeen

    Noble, S. (Visiting researcher)


    Activity: Business or School/HEI EngagementVisiting an external academic institution

  21. York and Dublin - Pennine connections

    Edmonds, F. (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk

  22. Community and Voluntary Service

    Cruickshank, L. (Visiting researcher)


    Activity: Business or School/HEI EngagementBusiness Engagement

  23. The Housing Crisis and Affordability

    Dunn, N. (Member of Panel)


    Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk

  24. IFIP TC3 Zanzibar Declaration Webinar 4

    Passey, D. (Organiser)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in workshop, seminar, course

  25. Mothers on Trial Event

    Fitzpatrick, C. (Speaker) & Hunter, K. (Speaker)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in conference -Mixed Audience

  26. Research Outputs - Publicising Your Publications

    Powell, S. (Participant)


    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in workshop, seminar, course

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