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Publications & Outputs

  1. High-power, kilojoule laser interactions with near-critical density plasma

    Willingale, L., Nilson, P. M., Thomas, A. G. R., Bulanov, S. S., Maksimchuk, A., Nazarov, W., Sangster, T. C., Stoeckl, C. & Krushelnick, K., 05/2011, In: Physics of Plasmas. 18, 5, 9 p., 056706.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  2. Observation of a Long-Wavelength Hosing Modulation of a High-Intensity Laser Pulse in Underdense Plasma

    Kaluza, M. C., Mangles, S. P. D., Thomas, A. G. R., Najmudin, Z., Dangor, A. E., Murphy, C. D., Collier, J. L., Divall, E. J., Foster, P. S., Hooker, C. J., Langley, A. J., Smith, J. & Krushelnick, K., 26/08/2010, In: Physical review letters. 105, 9, 4 p., 095003.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  3. Plasma cavitation in ultraintense laser interactions with underdense helium plasmas

    Nilson, P. M., Mangles, S. P. D., Willingale, L., Kaluza, M. C., Thomas, A. G. R., Tatarakis, M., Clarke, R. J., Lancaster, K. L., Karsch, S., Schreiber, J., Najmudin, Z., Dangor, A. E. & Krushelnick, K., 30/04/2010, In: New Journal of Physics. 12, 10 p., 045014.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  4. Energy cascades and rogue waves in superfluid He-4

    Ganshyn, A., Efimov, V., Kolmakov, G. V., Mezhov-Deglin, L. P. & McClintock, P. V. E., 2009, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 150, 3, p. - 4 p., 032056.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review