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Results for Sea blindness

Publications & Outputs

  1. CASS Briefing: Representation of the sea by HMG: Strategies for communication

    Germond-Duret, C., Germond, B. & Sanderson, C., 2/09/2024, CASS Briefings ed. Lancaster: ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS). 23 p.

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsOther report

  2. Sea Blindness: The Cyber Briefing

    Germond, B. (Speaker), 25/05/2023

    Research output: Exhibits, objects and web-based outputsPodcast

  3. CASS Briefing: Representation of the sea in the UK press

    Dayrell, C., Germond, B. & Germond‐Duret, C., 24/02/2022, CASS Briefings ed. Lancaster: ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS). 12 p.

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsOther report


  1. Defra - Marine and Fisheries talks

    Germond-Duret, C. (Contributor), Germond, B. (Contributor) & Sanderson, C. (Contributor)


    Activity: Expert Knowledge and Consultancy typesExpert Opinion