Buscher, M., Lujan Escalante, M. A.,
Kerasidou, C. X.,
Easton, C. R., Alter, H. C., Petersen, K., Bonnamour, M.-C., Lund, D., Baur, A., Ammicht Quinn, R., Heesen, J., Jasmontaite, L., González Fuster, G., Boden, A., Hofmann, B., Stachowicz, A., Choraś, M., Kozik, R., Boersma, K. & Comes, M.
& 2 others,
Galdon Clavell, G. & Föger, N.,
Proceedings of the 15th ISCRAM Conference. Boersma, K. & Tomaszewski, B. (eds.). Rochester:
p. 254-267 14 p.Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSN › Conference contribution/Paper › peer-review