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Results for fluids

Publications & Outputs

  1. How the Earth remembers and forgets

    Szerszynski, B., 1/01/2019, Political Geology: Active Stratigraphies and the Making of Life. Bobbette, A. & Donovan, A. (eds.). London: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 219-236 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter

  2. Image analysis of heterogenous mixtures

    Kuebler, S. (Inventor), Carlson, E. (Inventor), Crevier, T. (Inventor), Kolosov, O. (Inventor) & Low, E. (Inventor), 24/06/2004, IPC No. G01N 21/59, Patent No. WO 2004/053468 A1

    Research output: Patent

  3. High throughput testing of fluid samples using an electric field

    Carlson, E. (Inventor) & Kolosov, O. (Inventor), 30/10/2003, IPC No. G01N 27/416, Patent No. US 2003/0203500 A1

    Research output: Patent

  4. Method and apparatus for screening flowable separation media for electrophoresis and related applications

    McWaid, T. H. (Inventor), Kolosov, O. (Inventor), Klaerner, G. (Inventor), Petro, M. (Inventor), Nguyen, S. H. (Inventor) & Kuebler, S. (Inventor), 23/10/2003, IPC No. GOiN 27/26; G01N 27/447, Patent No. US 2003/0196896 A1

    Research output: Patent