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Results for saints; hagiography; landscape; literary history; cultural history; fenland; fens; wetlands; bog; marsh; psalters; Crowland; Old English; Anglo-Latin; Middle English; Romance; Medievalism; Reception; pilgrimage; ecocriticism; translatio; miracula; John Clare; Charles Kingsley; Hereward; David Jones; Anathemata; Graham Swift; Waterland; Exeter Book; Henry of Avranches; South English Legendary; Gowther; Pega; pilgrims; Margaret Beaufort; merchants; acrostics; pictorial lives; cartularies

Publications & Outputs

  1. Fenland Pilgrimage: A Literary History of St Guthlac of Crowland, Medieval to Modern

    Nuding, E., 15/02/2023, University of York.

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis