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8th Biennial Conference of the Association of Linguistic Typology

Press/Media: Research


Anna Siewierska presented a paper entitled "Passive agents: prototypical vs. canonical passives" at the 8th Biennial meeting of the Association of Linguistic Typology which took place in Berkeley, 23rd-26th July 2009. The paper was part of the workshop on Canonical Typology organized by the Morphology Surrey Group.


Anna Siewierska presented a paper entitled "Passive agents: prototypical vs. canonical passives" at the 8th Biennial meeting of the Association of Linguistic Typology which took place in Berkeley, 23rd-26th July 2009. The paper was part of the workshop on Canonical Typology organized by the Morphology Surrey Group.


Title8th Biennial Conference of the Association of Linguistic Typology
PersonsAnna Siewierska