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A revolution with a human face

Press/Media: Research


Paul Sparrow, director of the Centre for Performance-Led HR, is quoted in a feature in The Times on the importance for businesses of having an engaged and constructive workforce. "Competitive forces are requiring organisations to take control of the skills supply chain through the use of more forward planning. Strategic workforce planning is aimed at identifying the characteristics of human capital needed to achieve a strategic objective and then scaling the activities needed.


Paul Sparrow, director of the Centre for Performance-Led HR, is quoted in a feature in The Times on the importance for businesses of having an engaged and constructive workforce. "Competitive forces are requiring organisations to take control of the skills supply chain through the use of more forward planning. Strategic workforce planning is aimed at identifying the characteristics of human capital needed to achieve a strategic objective and then scaling the activities needed.


TitleA revolution with a human face
Duration/Length/SizeThe Times
PersonsPaul Sparrow