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A social capital approach to widening participation

Press/Media: Newspaper Article


Matthew T Johnson, Gareth Bowden and Guillermo Alonso (all Lancaster) had an article in the Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning (online 1 April 2020), with an author original manuscript on academia.edu, arguing that “effective Widening Participation ought to focus centrally on the institutional value of Higher Education and on fostering social capital, especially in lower ranked universities whose graduates are already discriminated against in the labour market.”


Matthew T Johnson, Gareth Bowden and Guillermo Alonso (all Lancaster) had an article in the Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning (online 1 April 2020), with an author original manuscript on academia.edu, arguing that “effective Widening Participation ought to focus centrally on the institutional value of Higher Education and on fostering social capital, especially in lower ranked universities whose graduates are already discriminated against in the labour market.”


TitleA social capital approach to widening participation
Degree of recognitionInternational
Media name/outletSRHE News
Primary Media typePrint
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
DescriptionMatthew T Johnson, Gareth Bowden and Guillermo Alonso (all Lancaster) had an article in the Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning (online 1 April 2020), with an author original manuscript on academia.edu, arguing that “effective Widening Participation ought to focus centrally on the institutional value of Higher Education and on fostering social capital, especially in lower ranked universities whose graduates are already discriminated against in the labour market.”
PersonsMatthew Johnson