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Opening Pandora's Box - Kingsley Dennis

Press/Media: Research


Kingsley Dennis' latest article has just been published in the internet journal - First Monday

Opening Pandora's box: How technologies of communication and cognition may be shifting towards a 'Psycho-Civilized Society'Increasingly there are indications that the uses of wireless technologies have been developed to target an individual's biological body, with specific focus upon the neuronal functioning of the brain. This paper examines how some of these uses have had detrimental effects, and what this implies for both present and upcoming developments for particular wireless/sensor technologies. Are we seeing a trend towards a psycho-civilised society, where greater emphasis is placed upon social control and pre-emptive strategies?

Available at: First Monday

Vol.13 No.2 February 2008


  • Kingsley Dennis

Kingsley Dennis' latest article has just been published in the internet journal - First Monday

Opening Pandora's box: How technologies of communication and cognition may be shifting towards a 'Psycho-Civilized Society'Increasingly there are indications that the uses of wireless technologies have been developed to target an individual's biological body, with specific focus upon the neuronal functioning of the brain. This paper examines how some of these uses have had detrimental effects, and what this implies for both present and upcoming developments for particular wireless/sensor technologies. Are we seeing a trend towards a psycho-civilised society, where greater emphasis is placed upon social control and pre-emptive strategies?

Available at: First Monday

Vol.13 No.2 February 2008



TitleOpening Pandora's Box - Kingsley Dennis
Media name/outletFirst Monday - internet journal
Primary Media typeWeb
PersonsKingsley Dennis