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Opinion piece - 'Regulating food companies: restricting or empowering?'

Press/Media: Research


As part of the EU-funded I.Family project on children, families and health, Garrath Williams has published a short opinion piece on how rules and regulations aren't simply restrictive. Instead, he argues, they can empower people - and companies - to act as they want.

'Regulating food companies: restricting or empowering?', on-line at:http://www.ifamilystudy.eu/regulating-food-companies-restricting-or-empowering




As part of the EU-funded I.Family project on children, families and health, Garrath Williams has published a short opinion piece on how rules and regulations aren't simply restrictive. Instead, he argues, they can empower people - and companies - to act as they want.

'Regulating food companies: restricting or empowering?', on-line at:http://www.ifamilystudy.eu/regulating-food-companies-restricting-or-empowering




TitleOpinion piece - 'Regulating food companies: restricting or empowering?'
PersonsGarrath Williams