Press/Media: Newspaper Article
Cross-Cultural Collaboration Project Award from RCUK
In June, the project was awarded a project from the Beijing office of Research Councils UK (RCUK). The aim of this project is to produce an on-line facility to assist the collaboration of researchers from the UK and China by offering advice on cross-cultural issues that may arise. Together with a team from the Chinese Academy of Science & Technology Management (CASTM) at Tongji University, Tianjin University and the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), as well as the former Science & Technology Counsellor for the UK in Beijing, Professor Robin Porter, the Lancaster team will be examining the issues faced by such research collaborations from both sides. An initial booklet, which illustrates themes with a number of case studies, will be produced by early 2009, with a final, interactive web-based resource following by the summer.
Low-Carbon China Talks across China
During recent fieldwork in China, Dr David Tyfield gave invited seminars on the state of low carbon innovation in China and the role of international collaboration at a number of leading universities across China. These included talks at the Centre for Industrial Development and Economic Governance (CIDEG) and the Department of Science & Technology in Society at Tsinghua University, the latter being reported in China's leading national science newspaper, Science Times (available in Chinese at Dr Tyfield also gave lectures at: the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei; Wuhan University of Science & Technology; and the joint meeting of European-China research network CO-REACH in Beijing.
For further information about this project please see: A newsletter will be available soon.
Title | Update on China-UK Networks of Low-Carbon Innovation |
Date | 2/09/08 |
Persons | David Tyfield |