Home > Research > Datasets
  1. A systematic review of rodent control as part of infectious disease control programs

    Zeppelini, C. G. (Creator), Callefe, J. L. R. (Creator), Coelho, R. (Creator), Silveira, M. S. M. (Creator), Khalil, H. (Creator), Belmain, S. R. (Creator), Bertherat, E. G. G. (Creator), Begon, M. (Creator), Costa, F. (Creator), Taylor & Francis, 2022, 10.6084/m9.figshare.20278447


  2. Phytochemical profiles and antioxidant activity of fermented barley with <i>Lactiplantibacillus plantarum</i> dy-1

    Zhao, Y. (Creator), Wu, X. (Creator), Wu, C. (Creator), Meng, R. (Creator), Gu, Y. (Creator), Xiao, X. (Creator), Taylor & Francis, 2022, 10.6084/m9.figshare.20219905


  3. Particle-In-Cell simulation of whistler heat flux instabilities: Scattering of the strahl electrons into the halo and heat flux regulation in the near-Sun solar wind.

    Micera, A. (Creator), Zhukov, A. N. (Creator), López, R. A. (Creator), Innocenti, M. E. (Creator), Lazar, M. (Creator), Boella, E. (Creator), Lapenta, G. (Creator), Zenodo, 5/04/2021, 10.5281/zenodo.4662611


  4. Spatial scaling properties of coral reef benthic communities

    Ford, H. (Creator), Gove, J. (Creator), Davies, A. (Creator), Graham, N. (Creator), Healey, J. (Creator), Conklin, E. (Creator), Williams, G. (Creator), Dryad, 2020, 10.5061/dryad.vq83bk3r1


  5. Additional file 1 of School culture and student mental health: a qualitative study in UK secondary schools

    Jessiman, P. (Creator), Kidger, J. (Creator), Spencer, L. (Creator), Geijer-Simpson, E. (Creator), Kaluzeviciute, G. (Creator), Burn, A. (Creator), Leonard, N. (Creator), Limmer, M. (Creator), Springer Nature, 2022, 10.6084/m9.figshare.19451644.v1


  6. Additional file 2 of School culture and student mental health: a qualitative study in UK secondary schools

    Jessiman, P. (Creator), Kidger, J. (Creator), Spencer, L. (Creator), Geijer-Simpson, E. (Creator), Kaluzeviciute, G. (Creator), Burn, A. (Creator), Leonard, N. (Creator), Limmer, M. (Creator), Springer Nature, 2022, 10.6084/m9.figshare.19451647.v1


  7. Fission yeast condensin contributes to interphase chromatin organization and prevents transcription-coupled DNA damage

    Kakui, Y. (Creator), Barrington, C. (Creator), Barry, D. J. (Creator), Gerguri, T. (Creator), Fu, X. (Creator), Bates, P. (Creator), Khatri, B. S. (Creator), Uhlmann, F. (Creator), Figshare, 2020, 10.6084/m9.figshare.12965306.v1


  8. Geomagnetic Storm List 1981-2022

    Walach, M. (Creator), Lancaster University, 11/04/2024, 10.17635/lancaster/researchdata/659


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