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Centre for Global Eco-innovation

Contact information

Type of addressPostal address
Postal codeLA1 4YR
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Address lines
  • LA1 4YR

Organisation profile


About the centre

The Centre for Global Eco-Innovation is the only centre of its kind in Europe and is part financed by the European Regional Development Fund. It brings together the expertise, resources and global contacts of Lancaster University and the University of Liverpool, together with international commercialisation consultancy Inventya Ltd. SME-led collaborative R&D partnership with two world-ranking universities underpin the development of new products, processes and services for the global marketplace, which by virtue of their use, manufacture, raw materials, reuse or disposal, deliver positive environmental impacts.



A centre team of 50-graduates

At the heart of the centre is a team of 50 graduates working on collaborative research and development projects with business. The graduates use these collaborations as the basis of a PhD programme of study and are supported by senior academic members of staff, all internationally-recognised experts in their fields. The centre takes a strong focus on international markets and a number of the graduates within the centre are from overseas.


Working with 50 of the region’s most ambitious businesses

The centre is recruiting an initial cohort of 50 businesses to work with this graduate team, with each business also making a financial contribution. These businesses will embark on a pioneering programme of collaborative research and development. This collaboration will last three-years and be underpinned by a suitably qualified and experience graduate, recruited specifically to undertake the collaboration with one of the two partner universities leading the centre. The centre will work with the most ambitious and internationally-aspiring businesses including those forming part of the chemicals, energy, environmental technologies, digital and high value manufacturing sectors within the Northwest region of England.



For further information please visit our official website http://www.cgeinnovation.org/

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