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Contact information

Type of addressPostal address
StreetLancaster University
BuildingPhysics Building
Postal codeLA1 4YB
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
  • Phone: +44 (0) 1524 593079
  • Fax: +44 (0) 1524 844037

Organisation profile


High Quality Research

In the REF2014 Research Excellent Framework Lancaster Physics was ranked #2 for world-leading research outputs.

A physicist working on a piece of equipment


Diversity in Physics

We're proud to have attained Juno Champion status, under the Institute of Physics programme designed to advance women’s careers in physics higher education.

A physicist working on a piece of equipment


Study Here

We have a strong reputation for high quality teaching driven by outstanding research. 

Physics students looking at an experiment


School Visits

We're keen to develop partnerships with schools to inspire school students to continue studying Physics to a higher level.

Schoolchildren taking part in a physics experiment


For further information about Physics at Lancaster University visit the official website here


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