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Supervised by

Alan Connolly

Research student

Bowland North Lancaster University Bailrigg Lancaster LA1 4YN


United Kingdom

Current Research

My research examines the rise in demand for food bank services in England from 2010 to 2019, utilising the Liverpool City Region, the city with the highest use of food banks in England, as a case study. My aim is to deepen understanding about emergency food aid in England. Key questions explored are: What are food banks? Why have food banks proliferated? What do they reveal about poverty in contemporary England?

My key argument is that an individualistic understanding of poverty characterises the current government’s food poverty policy and this can also be seen in historical policies and political rhetoric. I argue that this policy stance is linked to the growth in food bank numbers and demand for services.  

Thesis Title

The Rise of Food Banks in England: A Case Study of the Liverpool City Region

Supervised By

Prof Imogen Tyler and Dr Vicky Singleton

Current Teaching

Liverpool John Moores University:

5102SOC: Research in Action (2018/19 academic year) (Associate Lecturer)

Lancaster University:

SOCL201: Research Skills and Techniques (2016/17 academic year) (Practical Demonstrator)

Research Grants

Economic and Social Research Council 1 + 3 (MA + PhD) studentship


BA English and Philosophy (1.1, National University of Ireland, Galway)

MA Philosophy (1.1, National University of Ireland, Galway)

PG Certificate Psychology (2.1, Manchester Metropolitan University)

TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Certificate (I-to-I Ireland)

MA Sociological Research (2.1, Lancaster University)