Dr Andrew Scott
Senior Lecturer
School of Computing and Communications
InfoLab21, Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA1 4WA
Email: a.scott@lancaster.ac.uk
Current Teaching
2nd Year Undergraduate: Operating Systems; Database Systems; Group Project
MSc Cyber Security: Network and System Security
Research Interests
Andrew is currently working on the EU funded Easy-RES project, looking at IT infrastructure for Distributed Renewable Energy Sources.
Wider interests include: Operating systems and systems architecture; network testbeds; network architectures and protocols, particularly those relating to mobile and ad hoc systems; embedded systems, including mobile devices, sensor networks and tele-health.
Andrew Scott is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computing and Communications at Lancaster University, which was formed in 2010 by merging the Computing Department and the Department of Communication Systems.
He has been a member of the former Distributed Multimedia Research Group in Computing since the late eighties, initially working on process control systems. Andrew then moved onto the development of networked multimedia workstations and devices, at a time when this demanded custom hardware and parallel processing. After working on ATM based systems, he became interested in wireless networks, which indirectly led to the University deploying a regional wireless network; this eventually evolved into Cleo.
Andrew worked on early web based systems developing user tracking and Internet mapping systems, results of the latter being used in a range of textbooks and corporate brochures. He also established the University web presence along the way. Following this, he established Lancaster's IPv6 group in early 1997. This work continued as the Mobile IPv6 Systems Research Laboratory, based around a large-scale industrially funded network testbed.
Other work has included the development of an Active Network router and host architecture (LARA) that was probably unique in being shown to be usable in real networks at typical line speeds. His current interests include operating systems and systems architecture; network testbeds; network architectures and protocols, particularly those relating to mobile and ad hoc systems; embedded systems, including mobile devices and sensor networks.
Recent projects include the EU Intersection project; EU ANA project, looking at autonomic networking; GpENI and the UK Level-0 networks, which are deploying large-scale network testbeds. He is currently working on the EU funded Easy-RES project, looking at IT infrastructure for Distributed Renewable Energy Sources.
The IPv6 group he established at Lancaster produced a number of early implementations of Mobile-IPv6, including for Cisco Systems and Microsoft; the latter was shipped with Microsoft operating systems and recognised by Bill Gates with the first Microsoft Windows Embedded Academic Excellence Award.
Andrew is a past winner of the Lancaster University Prize for Commercialisation and has previously been nominated for the University teaching prize. He has also been a Microsoft MVP.
Professional Roles
Andrew has participated in a number of European collaborative projects and run several EPSRC projects. He has been a project evaluator for both the EU IST programme and the UK EPSRC, and has served on the technical programme committees for a number of international conferences and workshops.
Andrew is a member of the BCS, IET (IEE), ACM and IEEE, and has served on a number of IET committees, local and national. He is also a member of ACM SIGCOMM, SIGOPS, EuroSys, the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies.
Past Examination roles:
BSc External: 1 institution; MSc External: 2 programmes; MPhil Examinations: 1 internal; PhD Examinations: 9 internal, 3 external
PhD Supervision: 10 students
Past Teaching
131: Introduction to Computer Architecture
150: Digital Systems
151: Web Technologies
200: Group Project
201: Database Systems
202: 6809 Assembly Language Programming
202: 68000 Assembly Language Programming
203: Logic Design
203: Computer Networking
210: Group Project
211: Computer Networks
211: Operating Systems
221: Computer Systems Architecture
223: Computer Architecture and Logic Design
243: Database Systems
251: Computer Networks
255: Introduction to 3D Graphics
298: C Programming
299: Introduction to C# and Microsoft .NET
300: Final Year Project
311: Computer Networks
353: Advances in Telecommunications
353: Advanced Computer Networks
366: Multimedia Computing
369: Embedded Systems
370: Special Topics in Computer Science: Computer History
370: Special Topics in Computer Science: Security and Cryptography
400: MSc/MSci Project
401: Information and Communication Technologies (non-CS)
402: Computers and the Internet (non-CS)
410: Multimedia Systems Engineering
432: Network and Distributed Systems Programming
433: Network Systems Architecture
439: Network System Security