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Emily Hart

Research output

Women prisoners and the drive for desistance: capital and responsibilization as a barrier to change

Hart, E. L., 07/2017, In: Women and Criminal Justice. 27, 3, p. 151-169 19 p.

Prisoners Post Release: The need for a 'critical desistance'

Hart, E. L., 18/06/2017, New Perspectives on Desistance: Theoretical and Empirical Developments. Hart, E. & van Ginneken, E. (eds.). London: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 267-288 22 p.

New Perspectives in Desistance: Theoretical and Empirical Developments

Hart, E. L. (Editor) & van Ginneken, E. (Editor), 14/06/2017, Palgrave Macmillan. 240 p.

The Wrexham Titan prison and the case against prison expansion

Hart, E. L. & Schlembach, R., 1/08/2015, In: Critical and Radical Social Work. 3, 2, p. 289-294 6 p.

The supermax in Wrexham

Hart, E. L. & Schlembach, R., 12/05/2015, The Occupied Times.

Power, pregnancy and prison: the impact of a researcher's pregnancy on qualitative interviews with women prisoners

Hart, E. L., 2014, Reflexivity in criminological research: experiences with the powerful and the powerless. Lumsden, K. & Winter, A. (eds.). Palgrave Macmillan, p. 102-114 13 p.

Planning for the outside from the inside: female prisoners' experience of pre-release and the construction of a new life

Hart, E. L., 2012, University of Leeds. 476 p.