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Thomas Peck

Research student

Thomas Peck

Lancaster University

Bowland North




Thomas JW Peck, LLB, LLM, MA, AFHEA is an Associate Lecturer and PhD Researcher at Lancaster University Law School. He is also an Assistant Editor of the International Journal of Human Rights. His research interests include Human Rights, Healthcare Law and Ethics and Legal Methodologies.

Research overview

Thomas' main areas of interest are:

  • International Human Rights Law, focusing on the Right to Health
  • Business and Human Rights, focusing on Pharmaceutical Companies
  • International Law, focusing on accountability of non-state actors,
  • Medical Law, focusing on access to medical treatment
  • Research Methods/Methodologies, focusing on the interaction of socio-legal and sociological methodologies.

Current Teaching

Current Teaching:

LAW300 'Healthcare Law and Ethics' (Lecturer and Seminar Tutor)

LAW102 'Public Law' (Seminar Tutor)


Previous Teaching:

LLM5213d 'International Human Rights (Course Convenor)

LAW257 'International Law' (Associate Lecturer)

LAW300 'Healthcare Law and Ethics' (Associate Lecturer)

LAW102 'Public Law' (Graduate Teaching Assistant)


Law (International), LLB

International Human Rights Law, LLM

Social Research, MA

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Association, AFHEA


Thesis Title

Business and the ‘Right to Health’ in International Human Rights Law

Thesis Outline

Thomas' thesis explores the intersection of the 'Right to Health', 'Access to Essential Medicines', 'Direct Non-State Actor Accountability' and 'Business and Human Rights'.

The thesis explores how pharmasuitical companies which violate the right to health, by restricting access to essential medicines through unjustified pricing, can be held to account under international human rights law.

Supervised By

Prof. Sigrun Skogly

Dr. Mary Guy

Research Grants

Thomas is funded by the NWSSDTP (ESRC) via a 1+3 PhD Scholarship.

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