Research Associate
Dr. Vahid Kouh Daragh joined Lancaster University in October 2020 and is currently working as a Research Associate for Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) funded post-doctoral research associate position, situated within the Engineering Department at Lancaster University, to work on a project entitled 5GEM – 5G Enabled Manufacturing. He obtained his Master's degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from University Technology of Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia in 2009. The he started his activity as a researcher for University of Rome Tor Vergata, in Italy working on Navigation and satellite communications for 2 years. Then he did his Ph.D program at University of bologna, Italy as a full scholarship Ph.D candidate in January, 2013. He did a part of his activities at Aalborg University as a visiting researcher. During his Ph.D he works mainly on designing a cost efficient Heterogeneous network for different node types in Smart Grid and he was involved with several projects. After finishing his Ph.D he joined as a Postdoctoral researcher to University of Naples, Federico II and he mostly worked on UAVs Base station and Machin Learning applications on Mobile base stations and data collectors. At this time, he wrote a proposal and won a grant from Iranian Elite Foundation (IEF) and he started a joint postdoctoral activity with Yazd University. After finishing his joint postdoctoral, he joined to Coventry University in 2019 and worked as a Research Fellow and Lecturer in Institute for Future Transport and Cities and computing engineering department respectively. His main activities was focused on V2X communication network design for Automated Driving Vehicles by focusing in LTE-V and Dedicated Short Range Communication Technology having significant outputs for the project so called Assured-Parking . His main research interests are in 5G, 4G, Industry 4.0, Machin Learning applications in 5G and Smart City communication Network design.