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  1. Commissioned report
  2. Published

    Current status of water sector restructuring in Slovakia

    Beveridge, R. & Guy, S., 2003, Working Paper, Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning, Germany.

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

  3. Published

    Prioritising Sites at Risk from Diffuse Agricultural Pollution

    Hughes, D., Heathwaite, A. L., Travis, C., Kemp, E. & Birkinshaw, N., 2003, English Nature.

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

  4. Published

    Beacons of Excellence in Stress Prevention. Health and Safety Executive Contract Research Report No: RR133

    Jordan, J., Emma, G., Giga, S., Faragher, B. & Cooper, C., 2003, HSE.

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

  5. Published

    The Western Industrial Districts Replicable in the Eastern European? : Project West-East ID Report to the EU 5th Framework

    Huang, Q. & Tsagdis, D., 09/2002, the EU 5th Framework.

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

  6. Published

    A study of business support services and market failure

    Atherton, A., Phillpott, T. & Sear, L., 2002, Durham: University of Durham.

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

  7. Published

    Welfare advice in primary care: a review of the literature

    Greasley, P. & Small, N., 2002, Nuffield Institute for Health.

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

  8. Published

    Learning and teaching in UK higher education: reflections from the LTSN

    Trowler, P., Goodyear, P. & Knight, P., 2002, York: The Higher Education Academy.

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

  9. Published

    The Police National Computer and the Offenders Index: can they be combined for research purposes? Full Report

    Francis, B. & Crosland, P., 2002, London: Home Office. 92 p. (Home Office Online Report; vol. 04/02)

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

  10. Published

    The Police National Computer and the Offenders Index: can they be combined for research purposes?

    Francis, B., Crosland, P. & Harman, J., 2002, Home Office. 4 p. (Home Office Research Findings; no. 170)

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

  11. Published

    Exhibition Layout and Visitor Movement in Science Museums

    Wineman, J., Peponis, J., Dalton, R., Dalton, N., Flaningam, T. & Wilson, A. A., 2002, Georgia Institute of Technology.

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

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