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Contemporary poetry and politics: social conflict and poetic dialogisms

Project: Research


As a direct continuation of three previous research projects, the project Contemporary poetry and politics: social conflict and poetic dialogisms (POEPOLIT II, PID2019-105709RB-I00) aims to continue generating knowledge with respect to the relationships between poetics and politics, and their impact in contemporary western societies. With three projects since 2010, the work of a stable group of international researchers has expanded poetics analyses theoretically and in practice, as well as their interfaces with politics. The results of the analyses of contemporary poetics phenomena has proved to be successfully extrapolated to sociocultural and economic-political studies in general.
POEPOLIT II widens substantially its point of view with four initial hypotheses:
I. Contemporary poetry in its political and public sphere aspect questions and tends to exclude texts whose voice, subjectivities and (cosmo)visions or ideologies are conceived as unique and uniform.
II. The dialogical spaces created include different positions, perceptions and languages.
III. Poetics-politics imaginaries are linked more frequently to social movements.
IV. The majority of contemporary social protests are susceptible to be analysed as poetic actions, expressing the possibility of considering imagination as an asset that changes reality structurally.
Consequently, we formulate four research questions:
1. Are there correlations between progressive attention from contemporary poetry addressed to diverse social conflicts and a tendency towards dialogical statements?
2. To what extent is a poetic discourse, opposed to globalised capitalism and against public policies, possible?
3. Is there a poetic reactivation of the social body, and what poetries or poetic expressions dialogue with observed political movements/ actions?
4. In what way does that happen, and what are the consequences?
Interdisciplinary research and activities comprehended in this new cycle will encompass different contemporary global conflicts: neoliberal economic order; state reason and order; control over information and bodies; heteropatriarchy; colonial and neo-colonial condition/conditioning; migratory waves; linguistic and cultural differences; animal ethics and abusive relationships with other species; exploitation of natural resources; social and communitarian or interpersonal identities and relationships; affection and affective-logic; education in general and infancy rights.
Research works will follow four general objectives:
a) Complete an existing repertoire (the tetralingual database Poetry in the Public Space) with critical analyses of social conflicts, which are recursive and significant in international contemporary poetic production (including interartistics, intermedial and interdiscoursive poetic practices).
b) The study of thematic references in contemporary poetry, in contrast with uses and developments of other genre in social sciences, historiography or journalism.
c) Observation of the dialectics between monological and dialogical discourses, in poetry production; classification and critical analysis of dialogical poetry referred to social conflicts.
d) Analysis of the reception of studied production by diverse social and cultural agents.
Case studies will focus on recent poetic productions from the Galician, Lusophone, Latin American cultures, as well as on poetry for children, together with comparative aspects in relation to other poetic practices in Spanish, French, English or German.
By extension, POEPOLIT II is interested in critically describing how the results gained in four consecutive projects, favours and intervenes in a thorough understanding of our political and sociocultural surroundings.
Research team: Burghard Baltrusch (Principal investigator, I Cátedra Internacional José Saramago, Universidade de Vigo), Arturo Casas (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Ana Chouciño (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Antonio Méndez Rubio (Universitat de València), Iria Sobrino Freire (Universidade da Coruña), Alethia Alfonso García (Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México), Kenia Aubry Ortegón (Universidad San Francisco de Campeche), Silvia Bermúdez (University of California – Santa Barbara), Alba Cid (University of Oxford), Geneviève Fabry (Université Catholique de Louvain), Joana Matos Frias (Universidade do Porto), Margarita García Candeira (Universidad de Huelva), Cornelia Gräbner (Lancaster University), Isaac Lourido (Universidade da Coruña), Rosa Maria Martelo (Universidade do Porto), Joana Meirim (Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Lisboa), Antía Monteagudo Alonso (I Cátedra Internacional José Saramago, Universidade de Vigo), Carlos Nogueira (I Cátedra Internacional José Saramago, Universidade de Vigo), Samuel O’Donoghue (Lancaster University), Iratxe Retolazza Gutiérrez (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herria), Cristina Tamames Gala (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela).

Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain). Amount of subsidy: 56.870,00€. Contact email: burg@uvigo.es, dinolipoe@gmail.com.

Effective start/end date1/06/2031/05/24

Research outputs