The File 'RGCalc output for sequences' is an excel file Worksheets comprise: Participant Information / Joint All / Joint Only / Joint 100 / Individual / Participant in Joint Sequence. The core worksheets provide the output from RGCalc analysis. The excel files highlight the indices reported in the paper. Joint All derives scores from the full 200 response dataset. Joint Only derives scores from bigrams that consists of a response of participant following a pre-prepared response for Digram Use, Adjacency, and Immediate Repetition and from only the true participant responses for Redundancy. Joint 100 is the average of the first 100 and last 100 responses. Individual is based of the full 100 individual responses. Participant in Joint Sequence extracts only the true participant choices from the joint environment. The set of files prefixed 'RGCalc output CSV' are comma delimited versions of the above data as separate files for each worksheet. The File 'CP bigrams analysis' is an excel file Worksheets comprise: Confederate-Participant / Computer-Participant / Summary. Columns represent response number (from 1-200) for each participant pair. Thus, these files detail the response choices made at each turn, and are the finest grain of data. Note that after Participant 40, columns represent the numerical difference between response choices for the aforementioned conditions. A lower row then sums the adjacent rising, adjacent falling, and repetition scores for each of the sequential worksheet combinations. The set of files prefixed 'CP bigrams CSV' are comma delimited versions of the above data as separate files for each worksheet. The File 'Text files of choices' is an excel file Worksheets comprise: Joint-Confederate / Joint-Computer / Composite / Individual. These worksheets include the random response choices (raw data) in the experimental conditions. The right-half columns of the Joint-Confederate and Joint-Computer worksheets represent only the true participant responses that are extracted from full 200 responses in the left-half columns. The set of files prefixed ‘Text files CSV' are comma delimited versions of those data as separate files for each worksheet.